Psalm 1:4-6


Psalm 1:4-6
The wicked are not so,
But they are like chaff which the wind drives away.
5 Therefore the wicked will not stand in the
Nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous.
6 For the LORD knows the way of the righteous,
But the way of the wicked will perish.


As we look at the last 3 verses of Psalm 1, we must keep in mind what the first three verses have revealed to us. In the first verse, God’s Word showed us what the blessed person or a child of God is not to be doing with regards of seeking wisdom from the wicked. The regression or downward spiral begins with the advice that has been given to
the believer from an unbeliever then it begins to corrupt the believer’s thinking finally bringing him to be just as the unbeliever. We then saw how the believers has peace and joy delighting in the Word or Law of the Lord.  Finally, we saw how the believer was once a tree malnourished in a land of famine as the landscape of Israel to be transplanted in Christ who provides all the nourishment for growth and fruitfulness as he comes to faith in Him.
We now see in the final three verses, the contrast of the blessed in the life and death of the wicked. The process of what is to come for the wicked is shown to us here. See the contrast between the believer and the wicked:
The Blessed:                                                         The Wicked:
His Warning (vs. 1)                                             The Physical Destruction (vs. 4)
His Peace and Joy (vs. 2)                                   The Judicial Demise (vs. 5)
His Life (vs. 3)                                                     The Penalty of Death (vs. 6)





This Psalm was put in this place as the first Psalm in order to start off the Psalter (whole book of Psalms) in a way that glorifies God.  It also serves as a general outlook for the whole Psalter and the Bible.  Contrasting or comparing the two ways of life, Psalm 1 shows us the outcome for the believer and the wicked non believing rebel.

As believers, we need to realize what an amazing gift that has been given to us through Jesus Christ.  May we never forget the price that was paid for this gift.  We must also find our delight as being Christians by staying in God’s Word daily and love His Law.   Not that we are in bondage to the Law but that we study His Word.  We find wisdom that we are seeking in God’s Word.  Scripture is the water and nutrients we need to sustain a Christian life and to bear fruit.

For those who do not believe in Christ or have not come to faith, your path has been written is detail here.  The life that the unbelievers are living now is their best life, although hollow and empty, it s all they have.  The worst is yet to come for them.

The truth spoken of here in Psalm 1 are the 2 detailed outcomes for the two lives that either believe by faith or those who refuse to believe.  These are the “Blessed and the Condemned”.

May I ask you today, which one are you?

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